Marion County Community Center Project

View New Floorplan Design! Map of Land History of MCCS, Inc.


  • Business Plan in final development for the Marion County Community Center.
  • Big donations received at the turn of the new year! Thank you donors! The County appreciates you greatly!
  • Annual Irish Dinner Fundraiser March 15.
  • Raffle of Yamaha TT-R50 Motorcycle (off-road mini bike) - Drawing October 11 at Turkey Trot in Yellville.


  • Preparations for Eclipse fundraising events, Craft Fair and Musical Festival, from Fall 2023 through actual events April 5-6, 2024.
  • Successful Irish Dinner Fundraiser March 16.
  • In April, MCCS Board organized and approved the Marion County Community Center Project Development Committee to coordinate all aspects of the project into a cohesive plan.
  • EF-3 tornados hit Marion County May 26 and MCCS volunteers coordinate with MC Office of Emergency Management to help distribute food and supplies. MCCS Facebook also posted significant events and services available to the people of Marion County during this tragic time.
  • Tyler & Harris Land Surveying, Marshall, Arkansas completed survey of combined properties August 13, 2024.
  • Work continues on budget projections for the planned center using comparables (other community centers) since there is no precedent for a county built, owned, and operated community center in Arkansas. Quorum Court Update planned for late 2024.



  • From January to April, MCCS Floorplan Committee completed visits to 12 community center facilities in Missouri and Arkansas and submitted revised preliminary floorplans to ETC Engineers & Architect, Little Rock, May 10, 2023.
  • Irish Dinner Raises $10,000.00.
  • Collaborated and volunteered with MCMRC for 2023 IRT Medical Mission July 8-18th.
  • Bass Land Management clean up on the properties completed.
  • Initiated work on Swamp Fox Solar Eclipse Musical Festival Fundraiser for next April, 2024.
  • Follow-up meeting August 21st with the Marion County Library Board to share research results and propose Library join the project as Stage Two.
  • Marion County Quorum Court MCCCP Infrastructure Update presentation August 15, 2023.
  • In October, ETC Engineers & Architects presented revised 41, 240 sq. ft. community center floor plan rendering. Pursuant to approval of the new floor plan, ARPA Application completed and submitted by October 31st to request funds for property development/project infrastructure.
  • Work begins on Projected Budget for MCCC.
  • Combined Properties Survey scheduled for 2024.



Thanks to a generous donation by Linda Chris Smith of $50,000.  The land is paid off!  We are so appriciative of this donation toward the betterment of the county!  To read more, visit our Donation page!


  • $50,000.00 raised toward land purchase by April, 2021. Loan secured from Anstaff Bank for remaining balance. 
  • 386 Community Center Circle, Yellville, was designated as the new physical address for MCCS and the proposed community center.
  • In December Tom Dumas donated $25,000.00 toward land purchase in a Match/Community Challenge.
  • Website updates for the Marion County Community Partners Program completed by Dominator Websites. 


  • March 13, 2020 Irish Dinner Fundraiser for Acre by Acre campaign raised $5,426.00.
  • Expansion of the Community Partners website community calendar is underway.
  • COVID.


  • Fundraising for land purchase (cash and pledges) raises $43,000 by midyear.
  • Land purchase agreement completed and officially approved by Yellville-Summit School Board at June 10, 2019 meeting.
  • Updates to the Marion County Partners Program and website are initiated pursuant to recommendations of Yellville’s ACCESS Action Plan to include rental housing listings and job postings. This is supported by the City of Yellville.


  • March 14, 2018 Yellville-Summit Public School Board voted unanimously to accept Marion County Community Services, Inc. (MCCS) bid to purchase 24 acres in south Yellville for appraised $100,000.00.
  • May 18, 2018, Marion County Foundation designated as tax exempt 501, (c) (3).
  • June 8, 2018 Kickoff dinner for Acre by Acre fundraising campaign.
  • Participation in City of Yellville ACCESS assessment program.
  • Mid-Marion County Rotary Club donates.
  • Marion County Community Services (MCCS) is moving forward on the purchase of 24 acres for the future home of the Marion County Community Center! The parcel of land is off Hwy 235 behind the Eagle Nest Lodge. To kick off our campaign MCCS hosted a dinner on June 8, 2018 with people who were interested in learning more about this project and how they could help. HOW YOU CAN HELP!
  • Feel free to contact any board member with questions, details or advice. We thank the community for past and continued support of this county-wide project.


  • Marion County Community Services, Inc. (MCCS) has launched its Community Partners Program which is designed to foster collaboration, resource sharing, and promotion of all Marion County organizations, businesses, and service groups. The MCCS website has been redesigned by Dominator Websites in Flippin to facilitate these efforts, and a new website - - showcases all Marion County has to offer in a directory style format. This website will serve as a useful resource for the county citizens and visitors and a tool for businesses to highlight what they have to offer.
  •  MCCS is gearing up for our fourth annual Spring Fling, April 28 and 29, 2017, in cooperation and collaboration with the Marion County Fair and Livestock Show. Watch for more specific details and plan to join us for a weekend of fun! It continues to get bigger and better every year!
  •  Land/Location: MCCS continues discussions with land owners between Yellville and Flippin in an attempt to negotiate the fairest location for the planned Community center.



NEW County Survey! 

MCCS decided to resurvey Marion County to assess for continued support for the proposed community center. The original survey was done in the spring of 2007 with 90% approval for the project. With the passage of time and changes in the economy, MCCS felt an updated assessment/new survey was pertinent. A mail out/return survey was developed in collaboration with Design of the Times in Yellville and Enterprise Printing in Bull Shoals. Thanks to both businesses for their hard work!


MCCS mailed out 7,145 surveys to most Marion County residences (some rural addresses served by other counties were excluded). The surveys were sent out in March and responses were collected through July, 2015. Survey Monkey was also available online. The survey asked if the resident would support a potential one half cent sales tax to help build and maintain the community center. 1,799 surveys (25%) were returned or completed with 62% approval and 38 % negative. MCCS voted to proceed with land acquisition.



  • MCCS has had numerous fundraisers for the community center project including the bimonthly Meat Sale held at the US Bank parking lot in Summit. (Currently held at the County Courthouse Square) The meat sale is the first Saturday of the even months from 9 am to 1 pm. Dates and a price list are posted on the MCCS website and Facebook Page. 
  • Other fundraisers have included collaborating with the Bull Shoals Theater of the Performing Arts for the Cody Slaughter and Buckshot concert. Great fun! Thanks again, guys!
  • MCCS and the Marion County Fair and Livestock Show have collaborated to start an annual spring county celebration, the Spring Fling. Crafts, petting zoos, information booths, and bouncy houses are just part of the fun.



Marion County Community Services (MCCS) is officially recognized by the IRS as a non-profit 501 (c) 3. All contributions are tax deductible.



A new non-profit, charitable organization, Marion County Community Services, Inc. (MCCS) was incorporated in the state of Arkansas with the overall mission of promoting the general health and welfare of the people of Marion County.



Marion County Home Town Health, Inc., ASU/Jonesboro, and the Arkansas Department of Health distribute 10,000 surveys across Marion County via newspapers, organizations, and businesses. 1,200 surveys were returned with 90% approval for a community center.



Healthy Arkansas Committees in Marion County vote to pursue a community center and initiate a survey to get input from the people. Graduate students of the College of Business at Arkansas State University, Jonesboro were enlisted to develop a survey, tabulate the results, and write a strategic plan for building a community center in Marion County.



Pursuant to the Marion County Health survey of 2003, the Arkansas Department of Health and Marion County Hometown Health establish Healthy Arkansas Committees for children, workplace, and aging Arkansans.



A county wide health assessment phone survey was conducted by the University of Arkansas, Little Rock. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey was sponsored by Marion County Hometown Health, Inc. This survey covered a number of health related subjects including smoking, exercise, prevention, etc.



  • The Arkansas Department of Health initiates a new program designed to encourage local management of health issues.
  • A non-profit organization, Marion County Hometown Health, Inc. was incorporated and designed to address the specific health needs of the people of Marion County.

Marion County Community Center Floor Plan and Renditions

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